Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Retired At Last - Finally, We're On Our Way

Today was unbelievable. The Jeep has been in the shop since June 28th for warantee work and after all the excuses of backordered parts, etc. and the promises to have it done by end of work day, yesterday,  7/2, it still wasn't ready until this afternoon around 4:00PM. Lynn and I had been sitting in the motor home outside the Jeep dealer since 11:00AM. We have plans to see what is billed as one of the very best fireworks displays in the country. It is called LibertyFest and is located in Edmond, a suburb of Oklahoma City. After leaving Mesa at 4:00PM on the 3rd, a full day late, I have just driven 414 miles and arrived to spend the night in a Wal*Mart parking lot in Albuquerque, NM at 12:15AM on 7/4. I have reservations at the Rockwell RV Park in Oklahoma City the night of the 4th. I still have 515 miles to drive to get there, so I will sleep for about 5 hours and then drive the rest of the way and hope I don't have any problems. It will be close, but it is certainly doable.


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