Saturday, April 24, 2010

Very Quiet Day

Today was one of those very quiet days where it was beautiful outside and I spent much of the day inside, doing very little. In the morning, I was working on this blog. It is new to me and I am still learning how to accomplish what I want to do. I also tidied up the coach a bit and put up the flag. One of Lynn's cousins and her husband came to visit us this afternoon. I had never met either one of them and Lynn hadn't seen them in about 13 years. Alice and Dr. Nordy Spibak were very nice and we had a lovely visit for a few hours. We finally went to dinner about 6:00PM which is late for us. Nordy, who plays golf out here quite often recommended La Donne Cucina Italiana at the other end of Palm Desert from where we are staying. He drove and took the freeway, but about 300 yards before we were to exit, there was a very bad crash. A truck travelling the same direction as us went through the center divider, overturned and caught fire. While the freeway on our side was clear, the looky loos had it backed up for about a mile and a half, crawling along at five miles an hour. When we finally got to the restaurant, the food and service were both very good. When we returned to the RV park, it was very pleasant outside with clear skies and a very balmy 79 degrees. A nice night to sit outside and just look at the stars.


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